Dr. Natalie Loveless is Professor, Contemporary Art & Theory, in the University of Alberta’s Department of Art and Design. She is the director of the U of A Research-Creation and Social Justice CoLABoratory, and co-leads SPAR²C the Faculty of Arts’ Signature Area in Research-Creation.

upcoming and recent events

Making Art at the End of the World: An interview with Professor Natalie Loveless

July 20 2023

Professor Natalie Loveless is Professor of Contemporary Art and Theory in the Department of Art & Design at the University of Alberta, located in ᐊᒥᐢᑿᒌᐚᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ (Amiskwacîwâskahikan) on Treaty Six territory, where she also directs the Research-Creation and Social Justice CoLABoratory. She is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists). Natalie’s most recent book, How to Make Art at the End of the World: A Manifesto for Research-Creation, was published in 2019.

In this interview Mish explores Natalie’s research, perspectives on creative research within a university setting and her approach to creative practice.


The Second Symposium of the Arts + Creative PD domain keynote by Natalie Loveless

The symposium began with an exciting keynote address by Natalie Loveless. Against the backdrop of HKU’s creative ambience, Loveless delivered a thought-provoking talk titled “Research-Creation as Daily Practice.” Attendees were enthralled as Loveless explored the intricate relationship between research and artistic creation, offering insights into how artists incorporate research methodologies into their daily creative practices. The keynote was followed by an interactive Q&A session, allowing participants to engage with Loveless and delve deeper into the subject matter.

link | video of keynote

Research-Creation and Institutional Form presented by Natalie Loveless, Associate Professor

30 March 2023 at 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Seminar room 1 (G26), Building 88, Holman Hall Monash University, 27 Sports Walk

An intervention into normative scholarly practice, research-creation (a sister term to practice-led and/or artistic research) has gained increasing visibility and validity over the past decade within the North American academy. Grounded in artistic means and methods, research-creation invites us to attend to the methods we mobilize as well as our modes of output and publication at the level of constitutive form. This research seminar will return to some of the key provocations laid out in Loveless' 2019 book How to Make Art at the End of the World: A Manifesto for Research-Creation, and opens onto questions of how and why it is important to champion research-creation attuned to social and ecological justice within our university spaces today.


5th ARC Talks with Natalie Loveless

We warmly invite you to the 5th ARC Talks with Natalie Loveless (CA)  on Tuesday, June 20th at 19:00 at Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35 in Groningen. With the title “Work as Art: Performing Ecological Interventions, Natalie brings instruction scores as an art form to the forefront. She will provide insight to their long history in contemporary art, further discussing them as a survival and recalibration mechanism within toxic social-institutional spaces.


Research-Creation and Institutional Form

Natalie Loveless, Professor of Contemporary Art &Theory, History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture, University of Alberta

30 March 2023, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Seminar room 1 (G26), Building 88,
Holman Hall Monash University, 27 Sports Walk

Clayton Campus


Event link

An intervention into normative scholarly practice, research-creation (a sister term to practice-led and/or artistic research) has gained increasing visibility and validity over the past decade within the North American academy. Grounded in artistic means and methods, research-creation invites us to attend to the methods we mobilize as well as our modes of output and publication at the level of constitutive form. This research seminar will return to some of the key provocations laid out in Loveless' 2019 book How to Make Art at the End of the World: A Manifesto for Research-Creation, and opens onto questions of how and why it is important to champion research-creation attuned to social and ecological justice within our university spaces today.

Situated Practices in Precarious Times

Critical Future(s) – Possible Procedures Keynote

Natalie S. Loveless

May 4, 2021, 6:00pm (CET)

Event link

In this lecture Loveless explores the role art can play in attuning us differently within the convergence of crises that govern this time. Grounded in a return to Haraway’s germinal 1988 essay “Situated Knowledges: the Science Question in Femimism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective,” this talk will examine feminist, ecologial performance art as a modality that prioritizes aesthetic and affective spaces within which we not only reflect on what is so, but imagine and model things otherwise. Highlighting the importance of a multi-sensorial and multi-species understanding of ecological ethics, Loveless argues for the value of artistic practices that denaturalize the relationalities that govern our current extractivist systems of exploitation and power, seeding the critical and speculative imaginations needed to trouble our current ways of living and dying.

Download a PDF with more information about Critical Future(s) – Possible Procedures

On the Anthropocene: Either/Or

IDSVA Announces New Lecture Series — On the Anthropocene: Either/Or

Natalie Loveless: “From Relational to Ecological Form”

February 27, 2021 (Zoom), 12–2pm EST

